Checklist » Asteraceae » Centaurea stoebe ssp. australis
Last updated 5/9/2020 by David Giblin.
Centaurea stoebe L. ssp. australis (A. Kern) Greuter[FNA, HC2]
spotted knapweed

Publication: Willdenowia 33(1): 56. 2003.

Origin: Introduced from Europe

selected vouchers: WTU

Notes: FNA19 includes a brief reference to this taxon in the text for C. stoebe.

BC flora uses this interpretation, noting it is closely related to C. paniculata, but Chambers and Sundberg (2000) think the use of C. bieb. for our plants may be misapplied, and "needs further study".

References: (none)

Synonyms & Misapplied Names:
Centaurea biebersteinii DC., misapplied
Centaurea maculosa Lam., misapplied[HC]
Centaurea paniculata L., misapplied
Centaurea stoebe L. ssp. micranthos (S.G. Gmel. ex Gugler) Hayek[FNA19]